The following is the third installment of a multi-part series that addresses the issues surrounding attracting younger drivers. The first part of the series, which focused on attracting students to the industry ahead of high school graduation, can be found here. The second part of the series included input from experts on how the insurance industry is approaching coverage of interstate drivers under age 21.
Just over a year and a half ago, drivers for building materials manufacturer Palmer-Donavin had a unit in their truck that monitored hours of service. Everything else – their manifest, routes, stops, etc. – was done on paper.
“They had a clipboard and they had to follow the sequence of delivery with a paperwork manifest. We didn't have a good GPS routing system integrated as well, so everything was a very manual process or they were winging it on their own,” said Tom Bartlett, vice president of operations at Palmer-Donavin.
Register today for "Finding and Keeping Drivers in a Demand-Driven Job Market" webinar
Executives from three fleets share the driver recruiting and retention strategies that have propelled their companies to become some of the industry’s best, and how they plan to stay there. This CCJ webinar is sponsored by Bestpass.