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The truth about red herrings

Rick Mihelic Headshot
Updated Aug 10, 2021

Red herring for lunch anyone?

• “95% of accidents are caused by people.”

• “Electric vehicles burn.”

• “Big trucks cause accidents.”

• “EV fill times are excessive.”

Wikipedia summarizes the phrase “red herring” as “something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences toward a false conclusion.” If you prefer, insert terms like bias, propaganda, hype, misdirection, con, obfuscation, innuendo, sleight of hand, marketing-speak, what-abouts, etc.

We are continually assaulted by opinions. Separating fact from fiction is challenging. Even more so when parties are purposely misdirecting. Misdirection is an art form perfected by magicians and pickpockets. “Watch this hand” while the other lifts your wallet.