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Tech, coaching and cash improve Mississippi carrier's driver health

Quimby Mug Bayou Florida Headshot
Updated Jan 3, 2023

No doubt, it’s important to implement sound maintenance practices to keep trucks up and running.

Creating a culture that’s driven to improve the health – not only of drivers, but also the entire company and their families – is even better because a business is only as healthy as the people behind it.

That’s exactly what Gulf Relay had in mind when they signed up for Espyr’s Fit to Pass program.

However, as Fit to Pass co-creator and trucking health guru Bob Perry pointed out, Gulf Relay went even further by coming up with cash-based incentives and expanding the driver-focused weight loss program to include everyone at the office who’d like to be part of a team-effort approach to healthier living.

The Clinton, Mississippi-based carrier also opted to acquire software that helps to keep a closer eye on driver health.