A full, downloadable list of the 2016 CCJ Top 250 is available at CCJtop250.com. There you can also find listings broken down by revenues or number of trucks, tractors, trailers or drivers, and by type of haul and geographic region.
In most respects, 2015 was a good year for carriers. Trucking failures were nearly nonexistent. According to Avondale Partners, only 4,405 trucks were removed from operation last year, a dramatic slowdown from the 29,780 the year before.
But rising costs, the looming electronic logging device compliance date at the end of 2017 and other regulatory pressures could spell a return to elevated failures this year.
According to the American Trucking Associations, truck tonnage rose year-over-year in 2015 vs. 2014, but grumbles of softer freight volumes and rate reductions threaten profitability going forward.
Click here to see the full CCJ Top 250 listings for 2016.
As small carriers continue to grapple with wave after wave of federal regulations, they often contend that the industry soon will be comprised only of the biggest fleets in North America, claiming it is too hard to remain profitable in such a business-averse environment without the economies of scale the largest carriers enjoy.
Even within the relatively small sample size of the CCJ Top 250, a closer look reveals that the “haves” and the “have-nots” are separated largely by size.